The Power of Morning Routine

I've been reading a lot of self-help books for the past ten years and let me tell you there’s just no single perfect formula that will work for everyone for each has different age, experience, lifestyle and challenges. However, there is one technique that really works in all walks of life, and that is the power of morning routine.

Not so long ago, I started listening to Terry Savelle Foy and her first podcast I’ve ever watched was “5 Things Successful People Do Before 8am”. I just found myself engrossed with her motivational and inspiring podcasts that I even made her part of my morning routine. In fact, I haven’t stopped until now. I still listen to her on a regular basis, along with some other motivational speakers and apply their tips about being successful.

I also realized that as you go along with your self-improvement journey, aside from learning about great people who are successful in achieving goals, you will eventually come to a point when you will create your own formula of success that will simply work for you.

Successful people have a lot of things in common and one of them is that they master creating good habits. From these little habits, they have created a better version of themselves that seems to be more efficient and more excellent in their chosen field. There is truly a force on what we do daily that even our simple morning routine can affect so much about our success.  

Learning about this, I've actually come up with my own ritual of morning routine that would fit my lifestyle. So, here’s my 5 morning routine that has brought dramatic change in my life.  It actually transform me into a new person I never thought I am actually capable of being.

The first thing I do is prayer. As I open my eyes, I directly go to the sink and get my Natla cup for washing of the hands prayer. Right after I prepare myself, I go back to bed for my Shema followed by my morning prayer.

The second thing I do is listen to any faith building messages. Sometimes I pick just random topic from my favorite motivational podcasters like Terri Savelle Foy or Brian Tracy. It can also be just simply playing the bible audio on my background or listen to Shabbat service that I missed. Sometimes I even watch some inspiring life story of faith, most of them are characters from the bible. I get so random on listening but the whole point is clear; I have to listen to faith building messages to feed my soul and motivate my spirit.

The third thing I do is my positive declaration. So I open my “Live the Dream” journal and say my dream out loud, in present tense, as if I am speaking a fact. For example, I say “I am an honest person… I am confident… I am trustworthy.” You can also say “I pay my $3,000 dollar debt from John” and say it confidently. Or say “I earn $5,000 monthly.” But the magic doesn’t really lie on declaration alone. I am actually looking at pictures I’ve pasted on my journal while saying these things.

The mystery and beauty of how subconscious works is that, it doesn’t really distinguish the dream from reality. It responses on pictures as it collects data visually. It believes in anything you say as long as there’s strong emotion attached to it.

The problem is that it works in a negative way too. Notice that a lot of people who talk about illnesses are the ones who are most likely to suffer from it. So it’s not only what you talk about. It’s also the thoughts you give strong emotions to. If you could actually convince your subconscious of how great, powerful and wealthy person you are, then you are most likely to be like that.  At the same time, if you believe that you are poor, hopeless, and unfortunate, then your subconscious won't argue with you either. Having a negative outlook won’t make the visual board or positive declaration work for you. Actually, the law of subconscious is simple: It’s not what you say that happens. It’s what you think about; it’s what you feel about.

The fourth thing I do in my morning ritual is checking my to-do list. My to-do-list is usually done at night time so I review them in the morning just to check my top 3 priorities to determine which ones I should do first. Once I figured it out and planned my day carefully, that’s the time that I do my last routine.

My fifth morning ritual is working out. I always include walking or running outside as part of my morning work out. Feeling the sun on my skin and celebrating a new day is just a great feeling.  Honestly, I was not very happy about my weight and I’ve figured out that these calories won’t really burn on their own even if I complain about it so I started doing something. I started doing an easy workout routine that I can actually keep up with.

So those are my 5 morning routine and again, there’s just no perfect success formula that fits to all. You have to come up with your own that will actually suit your needs and lifestyle. I actually come up with the Power of Morning Routine that could help you understand how a set of morning habits can actually be beneficial to you. I made an acronym START out of it so it will be easier to remember. So, here it goes;

1.       S- Setting Up the vibe. Yes it’s easier to set the right mood when you have your consistent morning routine. It gives you a sense of productiveness and positivity. It’s easy to handle the situation all throughout the day when you start the day right. Somehow, it gives you this inner peace that won’t be easily disturbed by any negative thoughts or situation.

2.       T- Time Management. What I usually do is set my alarm an hour or two hours before I actually prepare for work. I’d rather start early to finish tasks early too. Waking up late and hurrying up would most likely set the bad vibe for the rest of the day. A good time management would actually make you feel prepared and fueled up.

3.       A- Ahead of the Rest Imagine starting and planning your day while everyone still sleeps? Being ready while everyone is still preparing? I know it’s a not a race on who finishes first but being caught unprepared doesn’t help you increase your efficiency thus, affecting your productivity.

4.       R- Restored Energy The weird thing about waking up early and completing your morning routine is being energetic afterwards. Maybe the sense of productiveness is a natural energy booster. So the more energetic you feel, the more productive you will be.

5.       T- Top-notch Performance It is said that the best time to finish tasks is in the dawn or early morning. It is when our creativity works best. The most effortless and brilliant work I’ve seen are usually those that were made when everyone else is still sleeping. It’s the most quiet and peaceful part of the day so maybe that’s the reason why the human mind is sharper and more focused.

I encourage you right now to get your journal and write your 5 morning habits that you are committing to do in the next 21 days. If you are already practicing the 5 morning habits then please share on comment section what you do, I’d love to hear from you. I’d love to know how it actually works for you. If only everyone knows that the first step to success lies on the first few minutes upon waking up and forming these little habits, I think it would give a new sense of hope and direction to each of us. 

So don’t even have second thoughts on the Power of Morning Routine. Don’t doubt; just remember “START.”


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