Excellence is Not an Act

Did you ever excel on some things but fail miserably in other things? If you do, then you are just acting.  Congratulation! You just discovered that you are an actor or actress and you’re good at it.  You take the role of that field where you excel and your acting on it quite fairly.  As long as you keep your position where you’re good at, then you deserve to be recognized as a great artist, a star in that field.

However, excellence is not an act, it is a habit.  People are getting in the wrong notion that succeeding in certain area of their lives makes them successful and yet they fail miserably in other things.  This is the reason why a lot of so-called successful people are in depression or into drugs or living a double lives because they may have excelled in their profession or career and yet they lost their quest mostly in the most important things in their lives.

Real successful people excel in almost every area they put their hands into.  These are the people who takes pride in everything they do.  They manage to give their best whether it is a small or big tasks.  They want to be the best in everything.  They have this winner attitude and simply cannot accept defeat.  They have a mentality of a winner all the time.  It is their habit to make things better at all cost. They are also called sometimes as jack of all trades.

People who excel in every aspect of their lives don't really seek fame or recognition but in the process they leave a legacy of excellence to those around them and to those who follow them.  They do the best they can but it does not mean they will be better that everyone else.  They simply have the habit of doing everything to the best of their abilities.  Others may surpass their performance in that field but he/she is not a far second.  These people do not really compete with others but rather they compete against themselves and beating their personal best based on their own standards.  They have this habit of doing things right, the right way at the right time.

The next time you excel in a certain field, ask yourself whether you are just acting or it is your habit to excel.  You cannot be considered successful if you only shine in certain areas yet fails on other things.  You have to learn to balance and do the best that you can always.  Make it your habit to put your best effort be it at work, at home or at play.  There is nothing wrong to be the best that you can be in everything but there is something wrong when you excel only on something and leave other things in jeopardy.  You have to remember that excellence is not an act, its a habit.


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  1. To many people, success is a sacrifice. They choose which area they want to work their success out and choose another they are to sacrifice. I think, people who say they are successful in ALL areas of their lives head to either pretense or blindness. But I believe there are some who find the balance; I can just imagine their hardwork.

    But the question really is, "What is excellence or success?" and "How do you measure it?"

    One's idea of success maybe different from another's point of view. One can be successful in a world others may deem small or insignificant.

    Thus, I think, Excellence in all areas is both an art and science one must master. It is a reward to the gifted who finds the balance. Because the norm is being a successful-failure. Sad, but true.


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