A Love Story

One day, she woke up wondering. She woke up wondering why he suddenly stopped pursuing her.
He stopped chasing. He was not as persistent as he used to be.

She knew that there was something there before that isn't there anymore.

The addictive, fun, engrossing long talks that used to keep her up all night turned into boring conversation.  The giggles turned into fake laughter and most of the time, silence.

She could have asked. She could have called his attention.
She could have initiated to talk it over and convince him to bring back what used to be there.

She threw him clues. She tried to communicate with him but he seemed uninterested.

She knew her last resort... she thought that maybe it's about time to try that one underrated and slightly used word called self-respect.

So she walked away silently with pride...

Not necessarily happy.

But yes, dignified.


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