An Ode to Inamorata

Feelings are useless when not always expressed,
to the person you claim to, your love to impress.
You can fret, you can roll to no one's recall,
especially to the one whom you like above all.
So here I am ranting my heart's inner core,
to you alone I say that I love you and adore.

You may think that these are all seem in vain,
every time you say that do you know I feel pain.
I hope you also consider that I look not for gain,
only to have you and kiss you again and again.
Do you know that your thoughts float in my brain,
Your song runs endlessly like a sweet refrain.

Indeed, words are worthless if not put in a way,
that your heart will understand and take me away.
I will continue to chase you until you believe that
I am after your love and your heart will I break not.
Be not afraid to believe in everything that I say,
For I never have done this to any one at any day.


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