The Ancient Four Elements - The Keys to Good Health

Modern technologies developed exponentially in this century and what was attained by human race since the Great Flood up until the last century combined cannot be compared to the advancements we have in our time.  When the information technology was introduced, many people combined their great minds to come up with something better everyday.  The invention of super computers, robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) assisted the scientists and inventors to develop more and more complicated machines that can develop products beyond our imaginations.  

The advancements in medical sciences have increased beyond measure.  The machines and testing devices are so advanced that it can detect symptoms leading to sicknesses before it even happens.  Modern medical technologies and inventions in pharmaceutical sector has saved thousands of lives.  With people’s dependence on pharma’s “magic pills” to heal sicknesses, many are getting complacent with regards to their health.  Everyone are focused on getting cured than preventing sicknesses to happen.  Because of this attitude of dependency, our budget on medical expenses have increased thus depleting our life-savings while the pharmaceutical companies become the giants in the business industry.

An old saying, “prevention is better that cure” has been forgotten by many and most of the people indulged themselves to anything and everything for the fun of it. In the process it affects their health but they couldn’t care less for they have high hope that any medical issues can be easily fixed by that “magic pill.”  

I believe that an old adage is still true and the keys to good health may even be opened by the ancient “four elements” known as air, water, earth and fire.  Let us examine how these four elements may contribute to our health and well-being and will make us avoid the costly medical expenses destined all.


According to the experts, we can only live as long as three (3) minutes without air.  This is our most basic necessity. Without air, we will die.  We breathe in and out subconsciously and effortlessly and we take this for granted.  According to some experts, we breathe between 12-20 times per minute.  Oxygen is needed by our blood to function properly.  However, when we breathe, we subconsciously do it half way only and we only get half the benefit. That is why it is necessary for us to do deep breathing at least 3 times a day.  Pausing 2-3 minutes each time thrice a day and perform a deep-breathing exercise will certainly improve our health.  We allow our bodies to have more oxygen intake that would sustain our vital organs including our brains.  Deep breathing is the cheapest way to be healthy for it costs us nothing.  It is absolutely free!


For most of us, we cannot survive without water for three days.  Water is the second most important element our body needs.  With the presence of sodas, pops and other beverages, we tend to neglect our need for water.  For the most part, we forget to even drink half of the recommended intake of water, which is around 8 glasses of water per day.  For starters, our bodies are made up between 50 - 65% water according to science books so we need water to sustain our weight.  Water is also needed to wash our digestive system and the rest of our body organs.  
Other than the recommended eight glasses of water everyday, drinking water at the right time maximizes its effectiveness on the human body.  According to this article that I read, when we drink one (1) glass of water after waking up, it helps to activate internal organs.  I also read in a different Chinese article that drinking between 1 - 4 glasses of water [with proper intervals] before eating breakfast will improve one’s health.  I personally did this and the stomach pain that I was suffering for sometime, which the doctors cannot figure out, was healed after doing it for 2 weeks only.   The article further recommends that drinking one (1) glass of water 30 minutes before meal helps digestion.  It also recommends to drink a glass of water before taking a bath as it helps lower your blood pressure.  Lastly, a glass of water before going to bed helps avoid stroke or heart attack.  Water is virtually free and it is one of the cheapest way to good health.


If we really want to be healthy, we should eat more of products that grow from the earth.  There is nothing more nutritious than fruits and vegetables for these are natural products made for humans.  The manufactured foods are full of preservatives and chemicals that may not be good for our bodies.  In Genesis 1:29, men are commanded to eat every herb bearing seeds, fruit trees and every veggies from the face of the earth.  If we ingest more of these “earthly” products, our health will definitely change for the better and we may not need the “magic pills” that cost us more money.  Each fruits and vegetables contain a balanced proportions of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that can fight deceases.  These “earthly” products has so much to give with virtually no side effects.  We have to remember that eating right is our right!


Any food that does not grow out from the Earth has to go through fire.  Fish and animals need to be cooked by fire.  The most healthy way of cooking meat is by fire without oil.  Roasting is better than boiling but in any case avoid eating raw meat.  Fire can kill bacteria present in the meat of the animals.  It burns fats that is bad for our health.  Fire destroys the contaminants present in the food that we will be eating.  Fire also sterilize the cooking pan and other things and by doing so, it kills anything that we can’t see that we might ingest like small insects that will cause us to get sick.  As a side note, if we are truly serious to be conscious in the meat that we eat because we want to be healthy, consider eating only the animals recommended in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14.  Some may argue against it but we are free to follow what we believe.  There is no harm in obeying them.  There is a good purpose why the people in the Bible were told what to eat.

As a final note, using the ancient four elements known to men maybe the keys to unlock the secrets to good health and long life.  In as much as we have modern medicine to back us up if ever that we get sick but if we become more pro-active and use these four elements to our advantage, we might not need these modern medical technologies after all.  I would still consider siding with the old folks’ adage, “prevention is better than cure.”

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please feel free to comment below. Thank you.

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