The ART of Saying NO

Are you one of those people who cant say no to another person?  Do you have that feeling of regret every time you say yes and deep inside you’re hurting and feel violated or taken advantage of?  You don't have to suffer anymore.  Learn the art of saying NO to people who take advantage of you.

The moment someone ask you something, your default answer should be NO unless there are sufficient reasons to their requests to merit your yes.

Hinder people from cornering you privately who constantly ask favour from you and taking advantage of your kindness.  Don't allow them to have a chance to gain any grounds at all.

Evade the people who had been taking advantage of you.  Learn the art of evasion.

Associate yourself with a good circle of friends who don't take advantage of people.

Resist any form of pressures.  People who take advantage of you will use different techniques to pressure you or induce you to give in to their capriciousness or desires. 

Try to remember their schemes they used before so that it will not be repeated.  You can write them in a notebook and learn from your mistakes.  Remember the saying: “fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

Outsmart them. Learn their techniques for they figured out your weak spots.  They know what button to press so be sure to know your responses when they do.

Forget not what they did to you the last time.  These people think that overtime you will not remember what they did to you.  You can forgive but never forget.

Stop associating yourself with these people if you can.  If you can't for one reason or another, at least limit your interactions with them.

Accept the fact that you cannot help everyone.  You simply cannot give favour to all people and you cannot keep helping the same person.

You have to love yourself first before you can love others.  You have to respect yourself first before others can respect you.  

Identify your priorities and stick to them.  Anything that will come your way that will derail your goals and objectives, reject them outright.

Never regret that you said NO to people.  They play with your emotions.   

Good deeds are not equated to saying yes all the time.  Know the difference between doing good and doing what is right. By saying NO to these people you prevent them from doing what is wrong.

No means no.  Do not wiggle.  Do not show any hesitations.  They will try to make you reconsider but be firm with your decision.

Overcome your own emotions.  When you know what is right, don't let your emotions play your thoughts as well.

Don't let any one take advantage of your kindness and goodness.  When people con us, they take from us our resources that should had been for us or for our loved ones.  They also take our self-respect, our peace and they leave a bad taste in our mouth.  Every time someone take resources from us that are meant to help others, they take it away from those who really needs it.  Those who are in need for real are mostly shy and avoids bothering other people while those who are not in need are more bold and shameless.

Now that you have learned some techniques in the art of saying NO, you can begin applying them.  Just like everything else, it needs practice.  Every time you say NO to people who don’t deserve our YES, you become better and better.  You can also develop your own techniques as you go along the way.  Remember that you are not anybody’s servant.  You are not obliged to say yes to their desires.  You are a free person and can say NO as well.


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