Things that Matters the Most Don’t Cost Anything

Have you been busy lately trying to find a good gift to give to someone important to you? We normally spend a lot of time figuring out what our loved ones want that suits our budget. It would have been easy if we have a bigger budget but when we have  a limited budget to spend, it becomes a challenge. Someone said that gifts don't really matter but its the thought that counts.  

In as much as these gifts are good in keeping relationships, there are more important things that we can give to others that will not cost us anything. Others may contend that nothing is really free but in reality, there are things that we can give that won’t cost us a dime.  Consider giving the following to your loved ones, to wit:

1. Smile.  This is the simplest way to make people happy. As they say, smile and the world smiles back at you. A simple smile would brighten the day of your loved ones and friends.  Smile provides assurance that all is well and that you are okay.  It is a sign of peace and happiness.  It does not take a lot of energy to smile.  It is a gift that everyone can afford to give.

2. Appreciation. Saying something good to your loved ones make them feel better about themselves.  No gifts can make them feel great that being admired. Appreciate everything about them. Making your loved ones feel recognized means a lot to them. It makes them want to do more and be better. Always find a way to give them credit especially in small things.  It is easier to appreciate big things but to appreciate small gestures of our loved ones will matter the most.

3. Gratefulness. “Thank you” is a magic word.  Acknowledging their efforts and gifts makes them feel fulfilled.  Gratefulness is one of the most neglected gesture in this materialistic times.  Its easy to be thankful when we receive things of higher monetary value but to be thankful in everything that our loved ones do or give that are less insignificant and no monetary value is something that is uncommon and it definitely hits home once we practice it.

4. Encouragement.  Uplifting words are rare these days.  Everybody is busy and no one seems to care.  A lot of people are suffering rejection, depression and/or discouragement.  Our loved ones could be one of them.  We shower them with material stuffs and grant every requests that they ask but these things are just “band-aid” to fix a deeper problem.  Encouraging words from the people close to them is beyond what this world can give.

5. Positive Words.  Being positive is a good thing and it becomes even better when we verbalize them to our loved ones.  We should never utter any negative words even if it is a joke or when we are teasing them.  Even when rebuking our loved ones, we can choose positive words (e.g. “that is not good” rather than saying “that is bad”).  I heard a saying from a wise man that if you have nothing good to say, keep you mouth shut.  However, if we can find something good about anything, we have to make sure we tell that to them.  Positive words yield positive results.

6. Attention.  Many times our loved ones are doing things that irritates us but in many instances it was meant to call our attention.  They want to get our attention from our work or from doing something.  Unfortunately, we usually take for granted the most important people in our lives and we spend more time doing our work, business or meeting with our friends.  We are with them physically but we are not really with them because we are busy doing other things.  Giving them our attention makes them feel that they are important and that is a gift that money can never buy.

7. Listening. With so much noise and distraction around us, listening is really a challenge.  Sometimes our loved ones would tell us something and we hear them but we don't really understand them.  We just nod or acknowledge in agreement but we don't really listen to what they are saying and we missed the message.  When we listen to them, we can make them feel that they matter and their opinions or ideas means something to you as much as it is to them.

We spend so much efforts and time earning money so we have something to spend for people important to us to make them happy.  However, money does not make people happy all the time. Sometimes it costs us more money to undo our mistakes to people we love.  Many times, our failure to give them importance cost us much money and it would had been better if we did not work and just spend more time with them.  It will save us more money by simply doing what is right. Remember, things that matters the most don't cost us anything.  When you do these things, you will not only gain your loved ones to your side, you also become a wise person's friend (SAGE PAL).


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