New Illusion in This Year's Resolution

The old year has just passed and a new year is here and we are all excited about the prospect of this new year will bring.  Different people with different cultural backgrounds are all in one celebrating the new leaf in their tree of life, turning another page in the their book of life.  Everyone has high hopes that this year would be better than last year.  Those who have a bad year are looking forward for a reverse in their fortune while those who had a great year are betting that this year will be better even more.

Having hope is a beautiful thing.  The absence of hope brings anxiety, depression and lose of direction.  Hopelessness is the worst thing that could happen to anyone.  It is worst than death itself.  Anticipation and expectations of good things gives us focus and sense of direction.  There is a plan.  There is a goal.  It makes us excited and this feeling brings joy and laughter to everyone.  It is contagious.  It makes everyone wants to go, grow and glow.

Everyone is hoping for a better year s people starts it by being pro-active.  Everyone wants to have a new year’s resolution to welcome it with great expectations.  We list the things that we want to change.  We want to be better, healthier, wiser and wealthier.  Some have long lists.  This is good!  But how many of these things in the list that were re-listed from the previous years?  How long did it take for us to do them before we finally dropped them out?  How many times did we attempt and then failed ourselves because we were not that decisive, focused or simply it did not work out the way we thought it would be.  Is this new year’s resolution is just another illusion or are we adding illusion in our new year’s resolution?

New year’s resolution becomes a wish list, a fantasy…..a dream for we write so many things that is hard to accomplish.  There is nothing wrong with having a dream as long as we do something about them.  Dreams takes time to fulfill and a new year’s list should be a short term goal, good only for one year.  Things that should be in our lists are things that can be achieved within this year.  We are setting ourselves to failure when we put goals that are not achievable.  In order for us to be more realistic in our goals for this year and to ensure success in the process, consider the following suggestions:
  1. Remove the long term goals and replace them with short term goals, good for a year
  2. Examine last year’s list and carry on in this list things that you have or can achieve
  3. Setup realistic goals that can be achieved within your power, ability and resources
  4. Only the goals that has a long term effect on your life should be included.
  5. List them based on their importance and effect to your long term goals.
  6. Verify your limits and do not over do it.  Don't stress yourself too much about the list
  7. Encourage someone of the same mind to team up with you to help you achieve your goals. Be accountable to someone.  

It is important that things that make it in our list are short term and can be measured so that we will be encouraged to keep on going as we accumulate these little successes. Every time we accomplish each of these things in the list everyday, we build ourselves up.  We are encouraged by our own successes and we want to keep on going.  Soon enough we can see that we have achieved so much in these little things that we do and they will definitely change our lives for the better.  

To ensure our success is to avoid inserting illusion in this in our New Year’s Resolution and let us be practical and choose to be successful this new year.  If you think that the list that you have is a new illusion in this year's resolution, THEN RESOLVE IT.  Happy 2018 to everyone and may all your dreams, hopes and aspirations come true. 


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