The ART of Saying NO

Are you one of those people who cant say no to another person? Do you have that feeling of regret every time you say yes and deep inside you’re hurting and feel violated or taken advantage of? You don't have to suffer anymore. Learn the art of saying NO to people who take advantage of you. T he moment someone ask you something, your default answer should be NO unless there are sufficient reasons to their requests to merit your yes. H inder people from cornering you privately who constantly ask favour from you and taking advantage of your kindness. Don't allow them to have a chance to gain any grounds at all. E vade the people who had been taking advantage of you. Learn the art of evasion. A ssociate yourself with a good circle of friends who don't take advantage of people. R esist any form of pressures. People who take advantage of you will use different techniques to pressure you or induce you to give in to their capriciousne...